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Plastic Bags for Quarry and MeatPerhaps your significant other is about to toss you out of the freezer and refrigerator. Don't despair. Simply get our selected bags for quarry and meat. They are chosen to fit the variety of quarry we normally catch with our hawks and represent a savings over supermarket bags. They are very durable and can be rinsed out for additional uses.
Small 6" x 6" / 100 2ml Bags: Quail & Daily Rations (.10 each)
Medium 8" x 10" / 100 2ml Bags: Pigeon, Huns, etc. (.11 each)
Large 9" x 12" / 100 2ml Bags: Sharptail, P. Chickens, etc. (.12 each)
XLarge 12 x 15 / 100 4ml Bags: Cottontail, Black-tailed Jack, etc. (.35 each)