Western Sporting Phai Hoop Trap (It is best to order this item, because of its size, in one shopping cart by itself. Your other items can go in a second shopping cart.)
The Phai, Phi or Pa-dam is a trap that has been used by far Eastern falconers
for centuries. However, many changes have been made to this trap by Western
falconers in the recent past. It is easy to set and has a reputation for
bringing birds down even when they have a crop as it is baited with an
irresistible sparrow or starling, which raptors feel they can simply scoop up
as they do a fly-by.
The large nooses, which are held up by lightweight, springy wire supports, are
instantly deployed when the hawk extends its feet to grab the bait bird. This
very light trap is easily carried by the hawk as it comes to the end of the
drag line. The trap is tethered with a bungee-type cord and a small soft weight
appropriate to the size of trap. This acts as both a restraint and a shock
Small Hoop Trap / 18" Diameter (Merlins, Sharpies, etc.) $119.95
Small Hoop Width: 19 inches with noose measurements of 2 3/4 inches wide by 4
5/8 inches high.
(Bait Weight Included: Bait the small trap with sparrows and starlings.)
Large Hoop Trap / 24" Diameter (Prairies, Peregrines, Gyrs, etc.) $139.95
Large Hoop Width: 25 inches with noose measurements of 4 1/4 inches wide by 5
1/4 inches high.
(Bait Weight Included: Bait the large trap with sparrows and starlings.)
We are now making these traps with black nylon coated wire nooses so they will
not lose their memory. The hoop is made from black poly tubing. This is a great
trap to have in your arsenal as it is easy to use and an exciting way to catch
a hawk!