Magical Merlins by Bruce Haak: These are signed copies.
Merlins are a circumpolar species, with nine subspecies worldwide. This is the first book to address the natural history and population status of the three North American subspecies. Individuals within these populations represent some of the darkest and lightest plumages on record. Topics include: breeding, migration, wintering behavior and winter range, subspecies and intergrading, foraging and roosting behavior, plumage variations, urban adaptations, and range expansion.
Internationally known wildlife artists represented in this work include: Hans J. Peeters, Andrew Ellis, Mark Upton, Andrew Haslen, John Baker and N. John Schmitt.
This 182 page book is the work of five authors, six painters, and 12 photographers, and it contains 35 illustrations (paintings, maps, plates) and 66 color photos.